Trompe, a First Summary

Figuer 1: A technical over view of Charles Taylor Ragged Chute Dutch Version Some time has passed and I have been reading up on the Trompe. Here are some of my findings and an overview of my sources. O my, people talk a lot and it a challenge to verify it all. This is of course sad because I am getting more and more convinced this is a way of generating green energy that should be taken serious. First things first, building a Trompe as a private person that generates enough air pressure to actually make an big impact is hard. But don't let this discourage you! As my blog unfolds we will find out what this technique can really mean for us. A Trompe Build by a Private Person A nice example of someone who build a couple of Trompes (in the form of a Pulser pumps') and risked his live doing it, is Brian White. A Pulser pomp operates in much the same way as a Trump does, only it is dedicated to pumping water to a higher level. By digging a 8 feet (2.5 meter) deep hole on his...